Laser engraved top ply. Random top and bottom ( lol ) color plys too.
USA made. Strong af. Holds up to our chonky owners weight. Shits mint hoss .
No corners were cut in the process of making these decks, fucking shits expensive to make now. Y’all don’t even know lol. No B- grade wood . No hidden crappy middle plys that some competitors hide and still charge top dollar for. These are heavily tested by the almost 300lb handsome brothers rider and Simon ( the skinny one )
Multiple sizes and shapes to choose from. Like there’s one that the owner and Jimbo NEEDED to have. And one that Simon whined and whined about till I caved and made because he’s a good lil boy.
And a 8.38 because Lowkey I was forcing myself to skate 8.25 because we’d order those the most but now I’m like “fuck it, we ball”