Trabajando G Fisheye Lenses

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Take your daily videos and photos to the next level with the Trabajando Fisheye. Clear image throughout the picture, with a metal back to the lens. Turn your phone into an action camera! You can see more ways to use the lens on the @trabajandofisheye instagram! Keep your Trabajando G Lens is ready for every moment.

Trabajando OG Fisheye: Clearest and widest 8mm fisheye Lens. Camera app can be used but it is not necessary.

Trabajando Mini VX1000 MK1: Extra wide 6mm fisheye with the nostalgic vignette for that sony VX1000 look. Using a camera app with this lens is recommended.

Trabajando Mini VX2000 MK2: If the first two fisheyes are too wide, this is the one for you. Perfect for filming social media and vlog videos without the need of a camera app.

Filming with a case and a of stabilization like the Traba Handle or Octopus Tripod will greatly increase your quality and allow for more creativity to flow!